Meet Our Artisans
The Morales Family, Master Weavers
The Morales family of Otavalo, Ecuador hand-crafts our knitted wool caps in their home workshop, high in the Andes Mountains.
While many families in and around Otavalo make knitted and woven products, Arts of Ecuador searched this area looking for the artisans with the highest quality products and best designs. We believe you won’t find finer knit caps than those made exclusively for Arts of Ecuador by the Morales family.
Rene uses a hand-powered knitting machine to make the body of the caps, as well as the animal’s ears and ear flaps. He also sews the linings as the final touch.
His wife Lucila makes the molded parts of the face and adds the details such as the eyes and eyebrows, nose and mouth as well as extra “fur” and defining features.
Rene and Lucila do most of the work while their two daughters are in school or studying. It’s hard work and requires long hours for both of them. Although they are teaching their daughters the business of making caps, Rene and Lucila hope both will get a college education and have better opportunities.
Arts of Ecuador helps support artisans such as Rene and Lucila by purchasing their products at a fair market price and returning a portion of each sale to an education fund for their children. You too can help the Morales family by buying their finely made caps.

Market Day in Otovalo

Eddy Coveña, Master Carver
“I started carving Tagua 25 years ago. I enjoy creating something from nothing with just a little bit of imagination. This simple seed is a very noble material. It can be carved in any direction and has no knots or grain like wood. As a boy, I never thought about being an artisan, but sometimes life gives you an unexpected turn. That turn brought me to carving Tagua, which I enjoy a lot. This work has allowed me to support my family and improve our lives. I have also taught young people how to work the Tagua, and now they have their own workshops and have improved life for themselves and their families.”
Tagua Statuettes by Master Carver, Eddy Coveña
These exquisite tagua statuettes are the work of Eddy Coveña, one of Ecuador’s most accomplished tagua sculptors. The designs shown are representative of the many animals, birds and fishes that are available on special order at various price points.
Contact Christine for more information (Phone or text: 612-750-8387 Email: Please allow at least three months’ lead time for delivery. We have samples available to show you. Let us know what you would like.

Learn More About Tagua
Gustavo Guerra, Master Leather Craftsman
“I learned from my grandmother how to make leather using purely organic processes with no chemicals. First, the leaves and fruits of the Guaranga tree are cooked in large bronze pans, then the leather is added. After processing in this way, the leather is given color with natural dyes from plants and minerals. I have been working 35 years with leather processed in this way– purely organically, without chemicals. I continue to make leather products by hand with a lot of attention to style and craftsmanship, so that each article I make, leaves my workshop perfect in every detail.”